My educational background includes a BSEE/MSEE from the University
of Texas at Austin. I have been in the software business since 1981 and have
particular expertise in application development. My interests
include OOP, Java, Ruby, C++, Perl, design patterns, and frameworks.
I have been working at HyPerformix (formerly SES) since 1989 on both Windows and Unix. I have a theraputical blog Order In The Software Universe, covering software design, coding, and user interfaces.
I spent many years maintaining a C++ Tips-of-the-Day, which is a read-onlyemail
Having moved onto other languages and technologies, that effort has
been retired, but remains up for all you Googlers to enjoy. Over the
years I have amassed the best
of assorted humor that has come my way (warning: it is not all office friendly).